Inactivity, activity. Headache. Head clear. If you want to be closer with me than I want to be closer with you.
The academic experience is either the mimicking of your professor to impress him/her or the recycling of someone else's ideas, or often a combination of both. What about the re-imagination of cultural items? Can this be thought of as the re-imagination/reinvention of certain ideas?
Since beginning school three years ago, I've taken mostly courses in history and philosophy, film theory and production and writing workshops. Each year my interest in radio and experiments in audio in general has deepened and evolved, at times often crowding out my other interests, like filmmaking, for instance, which I don't become dis-interested in, it's just that - next to the other stuff, it's gets put off or forgotten for however long. Writing has been more complimentary to some of my radio/audio pursuits. With my senior work, I'd like to try to draw on these three areas: radio/experimental audio, film and writing. The goal is to, through a project of some sort, be it a piece of creative (interactive) writing, a film, an audio piece or an installation, "articulate" my "education" over this four-year period in my life. The ways in which I found education, at three different schools - in libraries, on bus rides, alone in houses, with/without loved ones, in a recording studio - wherever it was found. Articulate that, play that, see that education, see how I grew or shrunk in certain situations, what school was or was not doing for me, what other experiences were working and not working.
Hopefully, I can come away with a piece of work which is not an imitation of one of my professors, nor a recycling of someone else's ideas. Instead, can it be a re-imagination of the narrative of "my life" over the past four years? A partially non-fictional, partially fictional restaging of my reality? Understanding things that happened not necessarily...well, what I mean is, watching things happen again not necessarily within the narrow scope of their circumstances and merely their circumstances, but instead, re-playing these things within a broader range of understanding incorporating maybe what I now know about the larger formation of things in "my life."