Friday, May 18, 2018

Sick Dream

I pass a cruise ship, like an ocean liner.

Rather I passed it. Right past?

You were beside me. We were in a non-definable aircraft which had no weight.

At that moment, surprisingly I recalled the evening at my house in Northcote.

You came over in a state and told me what had happened at the shop. Terror, real big terror. You were so worked up. I felt bad for you. I also loved being the one you shared all of this with. I was like the one you were going to talk to about it. I stood near that little window making a meal, putting so much into that, listening to you, gentle you, while the sun made its last call in the window, we're closing here, come see us again. I was between the calm and the wish in that place, I could have never moved and I would have been alright. You were already home and I didn't know how home I already was, too. We got home.

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