Saturday, April 28, 2018


I took you to that special place in Opoutere. We drove on unpaved road for twenty-five minutes, slipping into spaces of nothing and no one. That place holds value for me, it was one of the special places and times when we were over there and now I could show it to you. It a stretch of land forever empty and rich like a desert that will kill you. It was like a movie taking you there I suppose where the character returns to a place which was terribly important earlier on and now holds a different meaning but which memory will give up some space for the other?

The picture then jumped to another scene which featured a familiar apartment and folks and you were magic in the little boy's presence. You guide, you're lit up, and I am so proud of you. The boy looks down as you speak. You are honest, caring and helpful all at once, showering cholla.

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